Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate

We provide Digital Signature for e-Tendering to participate in Online Tenders on various websites in India. Under Class 3 there are two types of certificates: Only Signing. Only Encryption &Combo (Signing & Encryption) Depending on your purchase, These come with 1 to 3 years of Validity. Class 3 Digital Signature Certificates provided by us usually come with FIPS Certified USB Tokens.

Why Class 3 Digital Signature Certificates Eligibility ?

A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is essential for companies and organizations that take part or intend to take part in eTendering processes / eAuctions / Online Biddings. Those aspiring to fill online tenders like Online Goverenment tenders, Online Private tenders, E-Bidding, Central Government / Public Sector Tenders, Co-Operative Tenders, Corporations / Associations / Others Tenders, Private Sector Tenders, State Government Tenders, Trust Tenders and so on need to have DSC.